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Healing is there,
when body, soul & spirit
are in harmony

Triple healing!

The healing of body, soul and spirit promotes inner balance, the self-healing powers are stimulated and blossoming occurs.

Just as nature needs sun, rain and wind, a blocked person needs a helping hand, a loving hand. This creates an energetic connection and results in energy flow, self-healing and straightening.

Our house is an association of doctors, therapists and experts from various fields.

A union united in a loving spirit.

A multidimensional approach and an all-encompassing view of profession, family, environment, experiences, ancestors, experiences, thought patterns, imprints ... apply.

From this common view, scientifically based therapeutic approaches are found which serve holistic healing.

Our philosophy

When we say body, soul, spirit, it should be one entity. When we talk about God, there are at least 20 different names for it. Very common names are universe and love.

Religion means reconnection to the source. That is why we welcome everyone, regardless of their faith.


The body should be the temple of the Holy Spirit.

“Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, which you have from God, and you are not your own?”

1 Corinthians 6.19


Feeling the emotions and transforming the unpleasant into love is an essential step towards mental harmony and healing.


The spiritual level is essential for us. For the spiritual is immortal, eternal. Our task in life on earth is spiritual development. It must be deepened and consolidated, always with a deep connection to the whole.

“Remain in me and I in you.”

Luke 15

For us, this means helping people in need with compassion and love.

Practice Dr. Weiger

From the combination of conventional medicine, naturopathy, psychotherapy (based on the commandment of Jesus: love God, love yourself and your neighbor), biophysical information medicine, Chinese medicine and Ayurvedic medicine, I can offer the person seeking healing a broad therapeutic spectrum.

Institute for all-embracing healing

The institute brings together experts from different specialist areas who contribute their specialist knowledge and expertise for the patient in line with the medical diagnosis.

Seminar: Loving blossoming

Systemic family education - individually or in groups - promotes personal blossoming.

Self-discovery and self-discovery

Paths to the inner source


Practice Dr. med. Eberhard Weiger
Hirschzellerstraße 9a
87665 Frankenried / Mauerstetten

Phone: 00 49 83 41-87 65 66
Fax: 00 49 83 41-87 65 65

Consultation hours:

Monday - Friday:
8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday:
3:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.


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